Career Advice

  • Research the company online and find out as much information as possible.
  • Recruitment Companies often have excellent insight into their clients and will help to familiarise
  • you with the company.
  •  Include your current or most recent employment first in the Experience section of your CV.

Search for jobs which match your career interest, this will narrow down your job search 

Employers don’t like jumpy CV’s or career gaps – so don’t delay start your job search 

  • Read the job description carefully and be prepared to answer the interviewers questions.
  • Keep your CV brief and concise and proofread it several times to ensure all spelling and punctuation is correct.
  • Interview research and preparation:

        Find out the type of interview you are attending and whether it is likely to include a presentation,
task or exam. 
        Research the organisation and specific job role prior to the interview.

        Show enthusiasm throughout, a smile goes a long way!!

        Ensure you are appropriately on the day and avoid wearing anything less formal than business-casual.

        Attending interviews will help to build confidence and improve your technique,
so even when you are not successful, you will gain great experience.

  •  Feedback

        Usually interviews are followed up after a couple of days

        If you are unsuccessful, ask for feedback as this will help you improve for future interviews

  •  Stay positive

        Try to stay positive, keep an optimistic outlook and remain motivated throughout your job

  •  Redundancy

        If you have recently been a victim of the economic recession and suffered from a redundancy,
it is important you focus on the experience gained whilst you were employed.

  •  International advice

        If you are an international citizen seeking work overseas, it is vital you apply for a full working
visa for the relevant company.